About our Research
What are your options?
What are your options?
To Research or
Not to Research
Not to Research
That is the first thing you should ask yourself when starting with Valuer. Our AI may be the core of our business, but our researchers are many levels of "human intellegence" that can help you further investigate the companies, technologies or trends that you need for you innovation initiatives.
Research Through the App
As a great way to conduct due diligence at the end of a startup search, you can always order Company or Technology Reports based on your search results with a simple button click.
Custom research
If you're looking for custom research right from the start, you can engage one-on-one with our research team to gather a detailed report on the companies, technologies, and trends you need.
A 7 day process
From your results, you can start building company lists and radars to share with your team, so that you can quickly reference your saved companies in the future.
A 30 day process
The timeframe is lengthier for Custom Research, which follows a structure of close collaboration and numerous feedback round to compile a report that is specific to your needs.
Several Ways to Search & Discover

AI Search
Discover hidden correlations between core, growth and radical innovation areas with the help of our integrated AI Search.

Lookalike Search
Do you already have a model company in mind? Use Lookalikes to find companies using similar technologies.

Explore by Industry
Discover startups and scale-ups manually by browsing through 128 industry categories.

Explore by Technology
Browse through a curated list of cutting and bleeding-edge technologies to find startups and scale-ups that use those technologies.
Why choose Valuer?

Unique AI Perspective
Our AI will help you discover hidden correlations between growth and radical innovation areas.

Get AI-Assisted Research
Our in-house team of analysts will use their expert knowledge of our AI platform to fuel their research.

Monitor & Cluster
Discover hidden clusters of innovation and add them to a radar to keep track of changes and progress.

Collaborate with your team
Our in-app workspace will allow you share innovation discoveries and collaborate with your team.
Get in touch
Do you want to know more about our innovative, proprietary technologies or how our services can help you?