A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of Nanotech

15 minute read

*Updated December 2022. Startups that stopped operations or were acquired by other companies were removed from the article.

Contemporary innovators show a great inclination for nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has evolved quickly over the past 40 years. For instance, in 1989, IBMs Don Eigler took 22 hours to arrange the letters ‘IBM’ with atoms.

Today such a process would take only a matter of minutes. It sounds like sci-fi, and it's a mouthful to take in at once, but the uses of nanotechnology for the future are extraordinary. 

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Interested in investing in nanotechnology companies, or just want to know a bit more about the market? Read on while Valuer.ai walks you through the leaders in nanotechnology, the future of nanotechnology, and startups advancing in the vast world of nanotechnology.


What is nanotechnology?

Generally speaking, it’s the manipulation of material under one micrometer. To put that into perspective, that’s 0.001 of a micrometer and around 800,000 times smaller than one strand of hair.

And when you begin working on this scale, things change dramatically. The laws of physics change, creating opportunities for scientists and engineers like never before. And as time has passed, scientists and engineers have been able to design and engineer objects down to singular atoms.

It's a vast market that covers a wide range of industries like pharmaceuticals, healthcare (especially within cancer care and eradication), cosmetics, the automotive industry, electronics, and construction.

Every nanotechnology product is based on nanomaterials, with the most famous example being carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical carbon structures measuring about one-billionth of a meter and have many mechanical applications, like water filters, energy storage, sports goods, and many more.


The nanotechnology industry today

Dubbed the 'fifth technology revolution', the main purpose of nanotechnology research is to create cleaner, better, cheaper, and smarter products. For now, nanotechnology hasn't hit the mainstream, but it's definitely an industry to keep an eye on.

As of now, it's still heavily in R&D, with major players getting involved. There is an increasing demand for more equipment and devices that utilize nanotech; however, it's held back by the cost of devices and products using this technology and the lack of skilled professionals in the field.

The ‘Global Nanotechnology Market Outlook 2024’ has shown the projection of growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 17% percent between 2018-2024.

In 2017, the market size reached $7.24 billion, and if it's to follow the predicted growth rate, it'll increase to a whopping $24.56 billion by 2025.

The National Science Foundation has estimated that the U.S. will account for around 40% of the worldwide products and services made with nanotechnology.


Investors in nanotechnology 

The leaders in investment have been, for a long time, the US. But as other large economies become more innovative, there's been a growing interest ‘in the commercialization of nanotechnology’.

China and the Middle East have been investing heavily. For example, China filed more US patents in nanotechnology than the US, and in 2016 they ranked number one worldwide, holding the most scientific papers and patents on nanotechnology.

Even so, there is a multitude of investors around the world, especially in federal-state funding for research institutes.

Investors in nanotechnology startups 


ARCH Venture Partners

arch ventures logoInvestments can range between $50-150k, and they have a huge network of partners. A notable investment comprises in Metacrine, a biotech startup.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Chicago, USA


Greybird Ventures

Greybird Ventures logoThey recently financed Ceres Nanosciences, Inc in a Series A round.

Investor Type: Venture Capital (mainly investing in diagnostic technologies)
Headquarters: Concord, USA


Excelsa Ventures

Excelsa Ventures logoRecent joint ventures include £1.5 million towards MOF Technologies.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom


Samsung VenturesSamsung Next

They invest in companies that are a strategic fit for Samsung.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea


Rising Tide

Rising tide logoLaboratory for Nanotechnology at ETH. Along with Telegraph Hill and 5AM Ventures, RLaboratory for Nanotechnology at ETHising Tide invested in Precision Nanosystems Series B funding round, the second investment in the biotech startup.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Menlo Park, USA


Telegraph Hill PartnersTelegraph Hill Partners

See 'Rising Tide' section.

Investor Type: Private Equity Firm
Headquarters: San Francisco, USA


5AM Ventures

5AM VenturesSee 'Rising Tide' section.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: San Fransisco, USA


Viking Global Investors

Viking global investors logoA joint venture in a seed round for the biotech startup, Checkerspot.

Investor Type: Private Equity Firm
Headquarters: Greenwich, USA


Ven Rock

venrock logoVen Rock was one of the investors in gene-editing startup Inscripta.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Palo Alto, USA


Life Science Angels

Life Science AngelsA joint investment, along with Generation Ventures, in Nanotech Biomachine's seed round.

Investor Type: Angel Group
Headquarters: San Francisco, USA


Generation Ventures

Generation VenturesSee 'Life Sciences Angels' section.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Palo Alto, USA


Draper Fisher Jurvetson

DFJ logoOne of the biggest global investors, and has invested in biotech company Synthetic Genomics.

Investor Type: Venture Capital & Growth
Headquarters: Palo Alto, USA


Silicon Valley Nano Ventures

nano venturesTheir market focus is mainly in North America and Asia.

Investor Type: Venture Capital, Angel Investor
Headquarters: La Honda, USA


Wellborn Ventures

wellborn ventures logoThey invested in Vi Series A funding round, a biotech startup.

Investor Type: Venture Capital, Angel Investor
Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel



masschallenge logoThis accelerator is located in Boston, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, Texas, and the UK and invests in high-potential startups across all industries. 

Investor Type: Non-profit startup accelerator
Headquarters: Boston, USA


Gobi Partners

gobi partners logoThis firm is focused on IT and digital media investments. 

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Shanghai, China


Touchstone Innovations

Touchstone innovations logoThis firm is investing in early-stage technology companies.

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: Shanghai, China


Robert Bosch Venture Capital

bosch logoThey invest in startups either directly or via venture capital funds. In the last five years, they have been investing predominantly in AI, nanotech, and biotech, among other sectors.

Investor Type: Corporate Venture Capital
Headquarters: Stuttgart, Germany


Crosslink Capital

crosslink logo

Investor Type: Venture Capital
Headquarters: San Francisco, USA
Among their investments is Molekule, a startup whose product purifies the air with nanotechnology.


Nanotechnology: Sectors expecting growth

The European Commission has labeled nanotechnology applications as one of the six 'Key Enabling Technologies' that will contribute to the growth of multiple industry sectors. It comes with promises of easing societal challenges like energy consumption and healthcare.

However, concerns over the safety of such technology are still uncertain. The opinion is divided on whether it's harmful or not as it has yet to be investigated sufficiently.

The key industries involved in the vast and highly fragmented nanotechnology sector have been listed below.

Nanotechnology in agriculture

It's still in the research phase, and the application of nanotech in the agriculture sector is yet to see products hit the market. Researchers at nanotoday have covered the topic extensively and presented how the technology could provide major improvements to agriculture.

Areas of research are particularly focused on reducing chemicals sprayed on crops, reducing the loss of nutrients in fertilization, and increasing crop yields through water and fertilization management.

Nanotechnology in the automotive industry

Nanotechnology brings a truckload of innovation to the auto industry. From car shells with scratch-resistant and dirt repellent nano varnish, tires with inexpensive and stable nano steel, to solar energy on cars,  the uses for nanotechnology bear untapped potential.

Dirt-repellent and scratch-resistant paint are already on the market, along with air filters that use nanotech to filter pollutants and allow fresh air to encircle the interior of a car.

And for corporations to maintain a competitive edge in the automotive industry, it's crucial for major players in the industry to implement this kind of technology.

Nanotechnology in cosmetics

Cosmetic companies' involvement with nanotechnology products is making it a rapidly advancing industry, and it's an 'early adopter of the technology which routinely uses nano-scale ingredients'.

However, tandfonline reports that it's difficult to estimate the number of products that it's used in, as it's not mandatory to include on product labels.

There are concerns over its safety, as people are unsure of the effect of carbon nanotubes on organs. Long-term exposure, according to , has caused kidney cells to die.

L'Oreal and Estee Lauder have both entered the world of nano-cosmetics, with L'Oreal investing $600 million in nano patents.

Nanotechnology in construction

The construction industry has and will continue to see a number of positive changes using nanotechnology, especially within energy conservation.

According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) buildings consume 'one-third of total end-use energy and cause a fifth of total greenhouse gas emissions'.

With this level of energy consumption, nanoparticles bring about more energy-efficient construction materials. Nanoparticles in construction are already on the commercial market, with nanostructured metals, carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, and more. Nano silica means stronger cement, concrete, and steel, making these materials stronger, fire-resistant and self-healing, among other traits.

Nanotechnology in energy

The industry provides the potential for improvement of energy storage and the retrieval of oil and gas. Most notably, it will play an increasing role in the 'use of solar energy through photovoltaic (an electric current produced from exposure to light) systems'.

With the nanotechnology applications in these sectors, it will cut costs and make the energy sector more efficient. This sector will also have applications in other sectors, such as construction, electricity generated from waste heat, textiles with electricity-generating garments, and the expanded capacity for windmill energy storage.

Nanotechnology in electronics

According to Moore's law, the number of transistors in an integrated circuit would double every two years, while the cost would half. It causes computing power to increase, and as of yet, the average transistor has shrunk to impossible sizes.

At one point, we will achieve maximum minimalization of silicon circuits. With the technologies and physical laws discovered, it will be impossible to make them smaller within silicone possibilities, that's why there is a high need for new solutions. Mono-layered graphene is a great substitute because of its conductive properties and low cost.

Graphene is the product you’re left with after a carbon nanotube has been split, leaving a single layer of carbon atoms. A cool property of graphene is that it’s the strongest material that's ever been tested, and it’s good at conducting electricity and heat.

Nanotechnology in medicine

It's the area with the greatest potential. There are constant breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of major health conditions, especially the use of nanotechnology in cancer treatment, with more advanced solutions hitting the commercial market every year.

It has an application in many areas of medicine and biotech, namely drug targeting, enhancing the efficiency of drugs, diagnostic detection, biopharmaceuticals, biomolecular engineering, and many more.

The impressive growth has, in part, been attributed to the increase ‘in government and private sector funding for R&D, partnerships, and strategic alliances between countries, and an increasing demand' for smaller devices with more computing power at a lower price.


Nanotechnology patents

The two most notable sources for gathering information on patents would be the United States Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the European Patent Office (EPO), and according to data provided by Orbit Databank, over 20,187 nanotechnology patents were released by the USPTO in 2017 alone...

Statnano provides a list of the top ten countries with granted nanotech patents, as of 2017 with information gathered from the USPTO and EPO. The data shows that the number with the highest number of patents in 2017 was filed by the United States (with over 5,500+, and 51.7% of the USPTO patents), followed by South Korea with 1200 patents.


The future of nanotechnology: Within 5 years


Brain implants

With the help of implants, brains will restore lost memory with neural implants that will help to unlock the potential of the human brain.

With tests already beginning to take place, the reality of this happening within the next five years is possible. The startup, Kernel, has already performed tests on animals and epileptic patients, and Johnson, the founder, hopes to take the tests to a wider group.

Organ regeneration

The year 2023 is forecast to bring significant advancements in the health sector. Within the next five years, organs will supposedly regenerate at a rate previously thought impossible.

We're already able to print out organs, which is a huge step for healthcare. We're unable to print out organs completely, but nanotechnology in medicine is evolving. This science behind it is called tissue engineering.


The future of nanotechnology: Within 10 years


Battery upgrade

At present, there are wireless pads that charge your phone, and that's already pretty cool. Samsung, Dell, and Apple have released phones that can charge wirelessly. But we're still striving for a world without any wires whatsoever. One contender is doing just that.

Tech.co reports that Disney has created a technology that can charge your phone just by entering a room by 'generating magnetic fields'. There's just one problem, the prototype room is covered in aluminum. But while they're facing issues, complete wireless charging for all devices is a possibility for the future.

Disease detection

Ray Kurzweil predicted in 2016 that by 2029, the advancements in health care would mean that life expectancy would increase by one year on an annual basis.

And by 2028, we'll be closer to that prediction with smartphones. With an inbuilt breathalyzer, our mobile phones will be capable of detecting disease through screen technology that analyses your breath.


The future of nanotechnology: Within 15 years



By 2035, humans will communicate with one another telepathically with the help of computers. It will become the next step in the evolution of human intelligence. To some, this may sound like science fiction, but researchers have already made discoveries in 'brain-to-brain communication using non-invasive technology'.


According to the world economic forum, in 2030,  investment into renewable energy will quadruple as coal becomes a thing of the past, a global price for carbon will be set, and Europe will be the center for the production of next-generation renewables.

Eradicating disease

Flash to 15 years from now. Healthcare begins to see even crazier advances beyond organ regeneration and artificial vision. Nanorobots will perform cellular repairs that could cure almost any disease, and cancer will no longer be considered a serious illness.


The future of nanotechnology: Within 20 years


Sustainable Energy

In 2038, the population will exceed 9 billion, and the sales of electric vehicles will reach over 18 million. Sustainable energy will account for at least 80% of the world's energy supply by 2050.

The only problem - the technology that will enable energy to be captured better isn’t there yet. They don’t exist naturally and have to be designed to capture the sun more efficiently.

3D Printing

3D printers will print out a lot more in 2045. It’s predicted that at this point, humans will be able to print out full and functioning organs, not just their tissue, with protein-based engineering.

They'll also be able to print medicine and food. However, Bartmoss St. Clair, a nanotechnology enthusiast, states that advancements in this sector could be held back or limited due to outdated regulations.


The nanotechnology startups

The following list includes young companies that use nanotechnology and nanomaterials.

Nanotechnology in 3D printing

3D printing technology is everywhere. The only problem is it's vastly expensive, especially when it comes to printing objects on a nanoscale. There are multiple 3D printers on the market, but there aren’t many printing graphenes. There’s a problem with graphene printing, though. It's expected to completely ‘disrupt the semiconductor industry, but they’re stuck in R&D’.

Log 9 Materials

log nine materials logoTechnology: They specialize in Graphene, 'designing innovative applications' that will bring Graphene to the commercial market.

Founded: 2015
Headquarters: Bengaluru, India


XJet 3D

XJet LtdTechnology: 3D nanoparticle printing that hit the market in 2018. It's applicable in both metal and ceramic manufacturing.

Founded: 2005
Headquarters: Rehovot, Israel


Nano Dimensions

Nano DimensionTechnology: A 3D printing company disrupting the industry and changing how products are made. They are able to print hardware, making it more cost and time-efficient.

Founded: 2012
Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel


Graphma Tech

GraphmatechTechnology: A young startup that has teamed up with Add North 3D to create a 3D printer capable of printing circuit boards, electromagnetic shielding, and more, using graphene-based materials. It's expected to reach the market in half a year or more.

Founded: 2017
Headquarters: Västerås, Sweden


Vorbeckvorbeck logo

Technology: They develop graphene-based products for the industrial market, like graphene-infused rubber with 'extreme strength', weather and heat resistant, with undeniable stability and conductive properties.

Founded: 2006
Headquarters: Jessup, Maryland, United States


Nanotechnology in 3D printing organs 

Companies aren’t at the level of printing out human brains and hearts just yet, but scientists have worked tirelessly to create groundbreaking 3D bioprinting techniques with the help of nanotechnology startups. The science behind it is called tissue engineering, and there are slight links to nanomaterials.

It's an incredibly relevant technology that could help save countless lives, as 20 people die per day waiting for an organ donor. With this powerful tool, scientists could begin to understand human organs and tissue unlike ever before. At this rate, scientists will be well on the way to hitting the 2045 deadline.

Aspect BiosystemsAspect Biosystems

Technology: A biotech company offering bioprinting technology capable of creating human tissues on demand for therapeutic discovery and regenerative medicine.

Founded: 2013
Headquarters: Vancouver, Canada



EmulateTechnology: pioneering organ-on-a-chip offering

Founded: 2013
Headquarters: Boston, MA, USA



Technology: They build 3D cell models on the nanoscale and were once named the no.1 startup in Switzerland.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland



MIMETASTechnology: A company that has developed a gut, kidney, and more on a chip.

Founded: 2013
Headquarters: Leiden, the Netherlands



Nanotechnology in NextGen batteries

A dead battery..we've all been there. And while power banks are one solution, there are startups working on extending battery life. While it's not solely related to the sector, it still uses the technology to create next-generation batteries by utilizing quantum dots and other nanomaterials.



StoreDot logoTechnology: Can fully charge a battery in one minute. Its product uses nanotechnology in the form of quantum dots.

Founded: 2012
Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel


Prieto Battery

prieto-batteryTechnology: Has built a new type of ion battery with nanomaterials.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Fort Collins, CO, USA



Amprius TechnologiesTechnology: Creating lithium-ion batteries.

Founded: 2007
Headquarters: Sunnyvale, CA, USA


Nanotech Energy

Nanotech energy logoTechnology: Unlike most battery companies, Nanotech Energy uses graphene instead of lithium-ion to create super batteries capable of charging electric cars in a matter of minutes.

Founded: 2014
Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA, USA



BattrionTechnology: Develops and markets lithium-ion batteries and works closely with the Laboratory for Nanotechnology at ETH.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: Lucerne, Switzerland


Energous EnergyEnergous Corporation

Technology: This technology enables you to charge your device just by entering the room, and it can charge any device from up to 15m away.

Founded: 2012
Headquarters: San Jose, CA, USA


Nanotechnology in telepathic communication

In terms of leaders in the field, the most ‘newsworthy’ would be Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Founded in 2016, Neuralink, like most of Musk's ventures, aims high with futuristic tech that creates industry innovation.

Neuralink has been described by some as a brain-machine interface development project. And it’s considered his biggest project yet. If Musk were to succeed with this crazy startup, it would make it possible for brains to communicate with computers using thought.

Nanotechnology in synthetic engineering

Synthetic engineering uses robotics, AI, and other sophisticated software to redesign proteins for specific jobs. It’s attracting many VCs, showcasing as an industry to keep an eye on.

If synthetic biology reaches new heights, it has the possibility of transforming industries related to physical materials, such as the consumer goods market, industrial chemicals, and medicine.


Ginkgo Bioworks

Gingoko Bioworks logoTechnology: Specializes in enzyme discovery and new product development. 

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Boston, IL, USA



ArzedaTechnology: The company designs enzymes for both manufacturing and agriculture, with DuPont among its key customers.

Founded: 2008
Headquarters: Seattle, WA, USA



Cyrus BiotechnologyTechnology: Their focus is on their commercialized protein-design software named Cyrus Bench, a user-friendly version of their existing open source software package named Rosetta.

Founded: 2014
Headquarters: Seattle, WA, USA



InscriptaTechnology: A biotech/pharmaceutical focusing on gene-editing.

Founded: 2015
Headquarters: Boulder, CO, USA



NanoCellectTechnology: A biotech company that analyzes and isolates cells, helping to improve personalized medicine.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: San Diego, CA, USA


Nanotechnology in nanomachines

Researchers from Durham and Rice University have demonstrated how their nanomachine can pierce membranes in cells. The technology could be used to drill holes into the membranes of individual cancer cells, essentially killing them.

"These nanomachines are so small, we could park 50,000 of them across the diameter of a human hair, yet they have the targeting and actuating components combined in that diminutive package to make molecular machines a reality for treating disease," - Prof James Tour.


Nanored Biotech

nanored logo red whiteTechnology: Uses ‘revolutionary cancer care’ which delivers precise therapy to tumors. With their technLaboratory for Nanotechnology at ETHology, they can turn drug release on and off in real time.

Founded: 2015
Headquarters: Wisconsin, United States


Precision NanosystemsPrecision NanoSystems

Technology: They primarily develop tools and processes in the development of nanoparticles that can be used in health care.

Founded: 2010
Headquarters: Vancouver, Canada


T3 PharmaceuticalsT3 Pharmaceuticals

Technology: A nanomachine startup that has created a protein delivery nanomachine designed to treat cancer patients.

Founded: 2015
Headquarters: Basel, Switzerland


Rice University

rice universityTechnology: Researchers at Rice University are creating small molecules that are capable of delivering medicine. These molecules are turned into mechanical machines but on the nanoscale. They are capable of drilling through cell membranes, bringing lots of possibilities to cancer treatment.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: Houston, TX, USA


Nanotechnology in alternative energy

We are running out of fossil fuels, and that's a scary prospect. Research suggests the biofuels market will reach $246 billion by 2024. That's a tiny amount in comparison to the $1,720 billion oil market.

But research into alternative forms of energy is taking place around the world, and biofuels are set to grow after wind energy, opening lots of doors for new startups and larger corporates. Although it should be noted that different segments of the renewable energy sector are at various stages of development.



ViridosTechnology: Formerly known as Synthetic Genomics, they use algae to yield biofuels as they found that algae can yield five times as many resources compared to sugar cane or corn.

Founded: 2005
Headquarters: San Diego, CA


Pond Technologies

Pond TechnologiesTechnology: Uses industrial greenhouse gases to grow algae and other biomass using bioreactors. 

Founded: 2008
Headquarters: Toronto, Canada



SylvatexTechnology: A nano-chemistry platform that aims to increase the use of renewables.

Founded: 2007
Headquarters: San Fransisco, CA, USA


NanoCAGE with the University of BristolUniversity of Bristol

Technology: Deploys more efficient ways to store hydrogen using nano-composites.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: Bristol, UK


University of Texas at Dallas

The University of Texas at DallasTechnology: Its flagship product is electricity-generating yarn. It’s made with carbon nanotubes that have been twisted together. Developed by the University of Texas, the yarn generates energy when stretched and can bring tides of innovation to wave energy production.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: Dallas, TX, USA


PyroGenesis Canada

pyrogenesis logoTechnology: PyroGenesis is well known for its 'design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of advanced plasma processes.'

Founded: 2006
Headquarters: Quebec, Canada


Natcore Technology

Natcore TechnologyTechnology: They're disrupting the solar cell industry by creating a new black silicon cell that could, in theory, replace the silver in solar cells, making them cheaper.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Red Bank, New Jersey, United States


Nanotechnology in nanobiotics

There hasn’t been a new class of antibiotics since 1980, and the threat of antibiotic resistance is growing ever stronger. Nanobiotics are paving the way to becoming a new class of antibiotics. But it's a slow process, and this technology is still in its research stages.


Michigan UniversityUniversity of Michigan Biomedical Engineering

Technology: Researched by Michigan University, they can help prevent bacteria from spreading by engineering small nanoparticles that will nestle themselves into bacteria.

Founded: ca. 2017
Headquarters: Michigan, USA


London Centre for NanotechnologyLondon Centre for Nanotechnology

Technology: Professors including Rachel McKendry from the London Centre for Nanotechnology are heavily investing their time in the subject, hoping to create medical breakthroughs.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: London, UK


Nanotechnology in artificial vision

There have been incredible advancements in optometry for a long time, take laser eye surgery, for example. However, there are new forms of technology making their way to the forefront. One research institute uses small cameras to convert visual information into auditory input.


Nano Retina

Nano RetinaTechnology: A startup that's in its development stages. They are creating a device that will restore vision in people with retinal degenerative disorders.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Herzliya, Israel


Shaare Zedek Medical Center Shaare Zedek

Technology: This research has developed eye drops that can restore vision. Clinical trials will be taking place this year, although experiments have been conducted on pig eyes.

Founded: n/a
Headquarters: Jerusalem, Israel


Nanotechnology in thermoelectric generation

Thermoelectric energy. It has been around for a while, although venture capitalists are beginning to invest big money because of the advancements in nanotechnology applications.

The idea is you can convert electricity into heat using a chip (computer chips would do the job). There are many startups recycling this old technology and making it ten times better by using nanotechnology.


PhononicPhononic Inc

Technology: Supported by notable investors such as GGV Capital and Oak Investment Partners. They use their technology in countless products like refrigerators and fiber optics.

Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Durham, NC


Silicium Energy/Matrix Industries

silicium blue energy logoTechnology: Uses thermoelectric and nanotechnology to increase battery life.

Founded: 2011
Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA, USA



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